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Young People



Being a young person in today's world can be particularly challenging. When added to the fact that teenagers' brains are undergoing the most radical and fundamental change since the age of two, it's not surprising that young people can find navigating through life difficult. I could say a lot more but I'd rather let each young person speak for themselves - they will all have a unique experience of what it's like to be in a period of big psychological, physical, biological and emotional change.


Confidentiality is a core ethical principle underpinning the counselling profession. This may well be different to a young person's experience of other professionals and organisations. What is said in the counselling session will not be discussed with parents, carers or anyone else unless I have concerns that the young person or another young person is at serious risk of harm. If this situation arises I will explain to the young person the need for me to break confidentiality; I will discuss with the young person the nature of the information I will need to share and with whom.​



A path through two concrete walls of graffiti symbolising the pathway through the messiness of life to the sunlight beyond
Accredited Member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy

"To become an accredited member, a counsellor must have had training that meets our specific requirements and completed at least three years of supervised clinical practice. The application involves an rigorous assessment process that can take up to six months to complete".         British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

A heart made from the two fingerprints linking together symbolising the collaberature nature of the therapeutic relationship
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